ISPE Turkey Affiliate Fall Seminar “The Present and Future of Biotechnology in Turkey”, 18 October 2023
  • ISPE Turkey Affiliate Fall Seminar
    “The Present and Future of Biotechnology in Turkey”
    18 October 2023

    ISPE Turkey Affiliate 2023 Fall Seminar will be held on October 18th 2023 (Wednesday) which is organized annually by ISPE Turkey for knowledge exchange and industrial experience.
    The seminar titled "The Present and Future of Biotechnology in Turkey" will be held at Acıbadem University Kerem Aydınlar Campus. The distinguished presenters are from Acıbadem University, Abdi Ibrahim Ilac AbdiBio, Nobel Ilac and Turgut Ilac.

    From Acibadem University Biomedical Engineering Department Prof. Dr. Özge Can will be presenting "New Generation Diagnostic and Treatment Technologies"; whereas from Abdi İbrahim İlaç AbdiBio Group President Dr. Ali Özüer will be presenting "The Future of Biotechnology and Bringing Cell Therapies to Global Patients". In addition, Prof. Dr. Buket Aksu from Altınbaş University Faculty of Pharmacy, Head of Pharmaceutical Technology Department will make a presentation on "Life Skills".
    Nobel İlaç Production Manager Mohammad Razzaghi will speak about the "Use of Disposable Systems in the Production of Biotechnological Drugs" and from Turgut İlaç Quality Control Manager Dr. Ahmet Emin Atik will present "Advanced Analytical Methods in Biosimilar Product Analysis".

    ISPE Turkey is honored to invite all the pharmaceutical industry stakeholders to this annual seminar and looking forward to having distinguished speakers.

    Event Title: ISPE Turkey Affiliate Fall Seminar - "The Present and Future of Biotechnology in Turkey"
    Date & Time: 18.10.2023 – 09:00-14:00
    Location: Acıbadem Üniversitesi Kerem Aydınlar Kampüsü
    Kayışdağı Cad., No:32, Ataşehir, İstanbul, Türkiye

    Registration Fee
    ISPE Member: 500 TL
    ISPE Non-Member: 1000 TL
    ISPE Emerging Leaders Member: 250 TL

    ISPE Türkiye Bank Account (TL)
    ISPE – Sağlık Bilimleri Derneği
    Yapı Kredi Bankası
    İstanbul Topkapı-Davutpaşa Şubesi
    IBAN: TR920006701000000095497755
  • 09:00 - 09:30

    Registration and Welcome Coffee


    Opening Remarks
    Emrah Ergörül / Chair of ISPE Turkey Affiliate


    New Generation Diagnostic and Treatment Technologie

    Prof. Özge Can / Head of Acıbadem University Biomedical Engineering Department


    "The Future of Biotechnology and Bringing Cell Therapies to Global Patients"

    Dr. Ali Özüer / Abdi İbrahim İlaç AbdiBio Group President

    11:00 – 11:40

    “Life Skills”

    Prof. Dr. Buket Aksu / Altınbaş University Faculty of Pharmacy Head of Pharmaceutical Technology Department


    Coffee Break


    "Use of Disposable Systems in the Production of Biotechnological Drugs”

    Mohammad Razzaghi / Nobel İlaç Production Manager


    "Advanced Analytical Methods in Biosimilar Product Analysis"

    Dr. Ahmet Emin Atik / Turgut İlaç Quality Control Manager

    13:30: 13:45

    Thank you and Closure